Bacon Wrapped Gram Cackers
Bacon Wrapped Crackers are a simple idea that can’t be beat. Any bacon wrapped appetizers will be a hit on game day or holidays, so these are a true winner. These tasty bacon crackers won’t disappoint

How to Make Bacon Wrapped Crackers
Like I said before, these bacon wrapped crackers are EASY. You’ve only got 4 ingredients to deal with: crackers, bacon, brown sugar, and parmesan cheese. They’re easy to assemble, then you just let them back to perfection
How to make bacon crackers:
- ♥️ Preheat oven, wrap baking sheet in aluminium foil, and place a cooling rack on top.
- ♥️ Cut strips of bacon in half, then lay the crackers in rows.
- ♥️ Place a teaspoon of parmesan cheese and brow sugar on each cracker, then carefully wrap each one in a strip of bacon. (If you’re using thicker bacon strips, use a toothpick to secure it)
- ♥️ Put the crackers on the rack (over the baking sheet), and bake them for 2 hours at 250°F
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