Unicorn frappuccino

Unicorn frappuccino

 ♥️ A magical homemade Healthy Starbucks Unicorn Frappuccino with blue yogurt swirls, dragon fruit and mango smoothie, topped with homemade coconut whip! 


♥️ 1 cup frozen bananas sliced

♥️ 1/2 cup frozen mango chunks

♥️ 1/2 cup pink dragon fruit chopped

♥️ 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk

♥️ 2 ice cubes optional

♥️ 1/2 cup vanilla Greek yogurt

♥️ 1/2 tbsp *homemade blue food dye recipe here


♥️ 1 capsule E3Live Blue Majik powder  Entireweb Business Directory

♥️ Optional: Coconut whipped cream recipe and crystal beet powder 


♥️ In a high-speed blender add in almond milk, dragon fruit, banana, mango, ice cubes and blend until smooth. You can add in more liquid depending on how thick you want your smoothie.
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♥️ Mix up your blue food colouring with the yogurt and mix until you've reached a nice blue yogurt swirl colouring and transfer into a piping bag or squeeze bottle.

♥️ Take your cup and starting from the bottom swirl the clue yogurt about the sides while turning the cup and moving upwards to the top of the cup.

♥️ Next, pour in your pink smoothie base and top with coconut whip and beet crystal sprinkles.


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